Currently I'm interested in embedded systems and electronics so most of my projects revolve around exploring low level firmware and PCB design. I have a degree in Electrical Engineering and experience working at various electric utilities in California (Professional Engineering License #23418).

I've also built and sold a custom-built campervan with my partner before we moved to Japan — I'm currently based in Tokyo working as a power generation engineer.

Looking to get in touch? See here for my contact info. See the Projects page for what I'm interested in working on if you have ideas of your own.

IRL I can be found at Tokyo Hackerspace most Tuesdays for our open house.

Other websites:


This site is built and served with ghost and hosted on a virtual private server so I can tweak the theme. Previously I was generating static sites with Jekyll and Hugo but I like the experience of writing in a WYSIWG browser better than in a local markdown file. I'm currently using a modified version of the free Ease theme which is pushed to the server using github actions.