
Seven Segment Phase 1 — Architecture Overview and Hardware Prototyping

Adventures in hardware prototyping of a custom display of seven-segment digits arranged in a matrix.

10,000 Hour Seven Segment Display Stopwatch

A counter to place on your desk when doing what you do. Get those reps in!

[Active] Seven Segment Display Driver

An extensible hardware and software solution for driving a wall of seven segment displays

USB Sleuth Cable Tester

Learnings from designing, manufacturing, and testing a custom PCB for testing USB cables.

Comparison of GPS Modules: UBlox LEA-6H vs Blues Wireless Notecarriers

A comparison of various GPS receiver module including active antenna versus on-board chip antenna.

Realtime Plotting of Sensor Data with MQTT and Python

Real time visualization of sensor data using ESP32 and RaspberryPi over WiFi and MQTT. Graphing is done with the funcanimate function in matplotlib.